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 A horror novelist begins to fear his stories may have a life of their own.  Bestselling horror novelist Christopher Roth (Joaquim De Almeida) feels in need of a change, the gruesome ideas in his novels are starting to take over his dreams and have him asking the question: How long before I become one of the insane killers I write about? In need of a break, he and his wife Catherine head off to a remote house in Umbria, Italy. Roth starts work on a new romantic novel and all seems to be going well but it s not long before this idyllic world is shattered. A young couple is brutally murdered in the woods near the Roths rented house, and Catherine has disappeared. A letter from the killer is on Christopher s table, accompanied by a horrific photo ... and here begins the Roths worst nightmare. A nightmare whose violence is greater than anything Christopher had ever envisioned.


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